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Exploring the Mystical Form of Panchamukha Hanuman

Posted by | Sep 6, 2024 | 2,873 views

Recently someone asked me to explain the form and significance of Panchamukha Hanuman. The following is the answer that I gave to summarize who is Panchamukha Hanuman.

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Divine Intervention on Balarama Jayanti

Posted by | Aug 27, 2024 | 2,939 views

On the morning of Balarama Jayanti a sick baby calf appeared near the back gate of our ashram. His entire body was covered in open sores with maggots inside them. One of his legs was completely rotting and the flesh was hanging off. One of his eyes was swollen extremely large. Seeing the critical state he was in we tried to bring him inside the ashram where we could begin treatment. He was scared of us but I was able to lure him inside our compound by showing some food. He was very skinny and hungry as well.

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The Miracle of Father Dog: Lord Jagannatha’s Compassion to His Devotee

Posted by | Jul 24, 2024 | 3,052 views

This is one of the saddest miracles I have witnessed, nevertheless it is another miracle performed by Lord Jagannatha for his dear devotee and should be narrated. Not all miracles have externally happy endings.

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Lord Jagannatha Performs a Miracle for Boney Cow

Posted by | Jul 13, 2024 | 3,660 views

Here is one of our favorite bulls we were trying our best to save for many months. Because of his extreme skinny condition when he first arrived we called him “Boney Cow” when talking amongst ourselves, and the name stuck. It was not the best name, but it was the easiest way to understand who we were talking about visually. If I asked someone “Have you seen boney cow,” everyone knew who I was talking about even if they didn’t pay attention to all the cows and bulls who come through each day.

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Gotra: Preserving the Sacred Link to Forefathers and Vedic Sages

Posted by | Jun 30, 2024 | 4,767 views

The word gotra literally means “that which protects cows”, and in general refers to a stable that protects a herd of cows from the weather and from wild animals. Likewise the family lineages of rishis and forefathers are also metaphorically called as “gotras”, as they are “protective stables” that guide and watch over humanity, which is likened to a herd of cows.

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Orphan Kapila Muni Meets the Ashram Bulls for the First Time

Posted by | Jun 22, 2024 | 1,052 views

Kapila Muni is a young golden coloured bull calf who has been coming to our ashram for around 7 months now. When very young Kapila Muni’s mother died from a snake bite and he was abandoned on the street all alone. Somehow he found our ashram and has been sleeping here every day since. From the first day he came we have made sure to feed him extra so that he could become healthy and strong.

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Broken Leg’s Journey: A Bull’s Tale

Posted by | Jun 20, 2024 | 2,231 views

Here are three of the smaller street bulls we have been locking up for the last week so they don’t end up being sacrificed during the Eid festival. Today we finally let them free to be back on the street. They did not like being locked up in the day, but it was for their own good.

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The Last Photo I Took of Dayalu Baba

Posted by | Jun 12, 2024 | 658 views

This is the last photo I took of Dayalu Baba, 14 days before he departed. Seeing it makes me sad because it foreshadows what was to come, with him walking away as he leaves us.

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Farewell to Chandan Prabhu: A Beloved Mridanga Player and Devotee

Posted by | Jun 7, 2024 | 2,335 views

Yesterday (June 6th), another of our friends, Chandan prabhu, a long time devotee at Dayalu Baba’s ashram, passed away, just 10 days after baba had left. He was a professional mridanga player, and would always be there to help in the ashram and perform kirtan. I had known him for around 15 years, and his father was the one who sold us the farm land which we gave to Dayalu Baba for him to grow rice and sustain his ashram.

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Sri Dayalu Baba Enters Maha Samadhi at His Ashram in Odisha

Posted by | May 29, 2024 | 4,535 views

Yesterday (May 28th) at 10 am one of the great hidden sadhus of Odisha left his body and was placed in samadhi at his ashram in Mayurbhanj district of Odisha. Dayalu Baba had spent many decades roaming the forests around the sacred Ratna Giri mountain in the Salandi Reserve Forest and performing severe sadhana. He was a disciple of a great local saint named Rama Baba, who’s samadhi is now located in Jharkhand.

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