On December 25th we celebrated Hanuman Jayanti at our ashram in Chennai, where the presiding deity is of Sri Panchamukha Hanuman. From morning till evening thousands of devotees visited for darshana of Lord Hanuman. Bhajans were sung by devotees, and prasadam was distributed to all of the guests throughout the day.

In North India Hanuman Jayanti falls in April, but according to the Tamil calendar it falls in the months of December and January.

In the morning maha abhishekam was conducted for the utsava vigraha with milk, honey, ghee, curds, coconut water, sugar water, turmeric, kusha root, and other auspicious ingredients, and in the afternoon yaagam was performed to please Lord Hanuman. In the evening the utsava deity was taken out in procession throughout the neighbhorhood for rathotsavam, accompanied by hari nama sankirtanam.

Below you can find some photos of the celebrations.

If you live in Chennai, we invite you to visit our temple located in Taramani, near to the back gate of IIT. Every evening there is sankirtanam at 7 pm, and there are classes on the Bhagavad Gita every Saturday night. The temple is located at the following address:

Sri Panchamukha Anjaneyar Siddhar Peetham,
28 Erikarai Street, Taramani, Chennai 600113

If you have any questions or need directions you can contact us by phone: 8300181008.

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