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Cows and Lord Krishna

Posted by | Oct 31, 2005 | 6,129 views

Quote from a letter we received: According to my understanding Hindus worship cows because they were our livelihood.

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Why do we have rituals for a dead body?

Posted by | Oct 31, 2005 | 4,657 views

Question: I have read some books written by gurus, etc. My question is if Hinduism says that the soul leaves the body at the time of death, why do we have rituals for the dead body and why there is still the practice of ancestor worship? Is it part of Hinduism?

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Why are there so many Gods in Hinduism?

Posted by | Oct 31, 2005 | 4,052 views

Question: I am interested to know why Hinduism has more than 1,000 gods. I have been given the answer that different people pray to god in different forms, one as Shiva, another as Vishnu, but this is not convincing.

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Origins of the Caste System?

Posted by | Oct 28, 2005 | 5,381 views

Question: Could you please tell me where the caste system originated from, if the majority of hindus recognize it, and where the current caste system problems stem from.

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How did the soul deviate from the Lord?

Posted by | Oct 28, 2005 | 5,551 views

Question: If god resides in everybody (as we believe in the soul concept of hinduism), how come He is good, dutiful, and noble in some and wicked and deceitful in another? And if it were our previous actions that decide our state of affairs, then there would have been a time when all were good. How did the soul deviate form the lord?

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Who is Sri Raghavendra Swami?

Posted by | Oct 28, 2005 | 10,848 views

Question: Recently I visited a house who happen to be my far relations and I saw a deity of Sri Ragevendra Swamiji. I did not asked them any questions at the time. I would like to use this forum to find out if Srila Prabhupada has mentioned anything about Sri Ragevendra Swamiji.

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