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Reincarnation and Overpopulation

Posted by | Nov 11, 2005 | 5,857 views

Question: In the beginning of the century, there were not 6 billion people on this planet, but now there are. So how can reincarnation explain this, if by reincarnation, we mean that a soul leaves the mortal body and enters another?

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Why are there differences in tilak?

Posted by | Nov 11, 2005 | 13,953 views

Question: Why is the tilak different for different sampradayas, even though all sampradayas lead to Krishna. Also, if Gaudiya Vaishnavas are an off shoot of the Madhva Sampradaya, why is the tilaka of Madhvacarya different from Gauranga?

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What is the plan of creation?

Posted by | Nov 11, 2005 | 5,566 views

Question: Why would Atman take a part of himself, cut it off, make a human out of it, and send it into Prakriti, confused, alone, on a quest to rediscover his ‘true self’, or nirvana. Doesn’t it strike you as illogical? If logic itself doesn’t apply in this case, how do you explain it? What divine plan is this a part of?

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