Below are a few recent photos of a program for 300 children at Bhadrak Primary School. We have begun distribution of school supplies to poor students in rural areas who are unable to afford their own. We do not want children to feel discouraged from studying due to the expenses involved in purchasing basic things like notebooks, pens and school uniforms. Already the importance of education is often not understood in rural areas. When poor students are required to spend money to attend school, few will be willing to participate.

Besides giving regular school supplies we also distributed art materials like coloring pens and pencils, coloring books, etc., which these children are very interested in. In order to increase school performance we announced prizes for all students who scored above 90% on their quarterly report cards. We hope this will encourage students to study harder and be more attentive in classes. We would also like to eventually provide scholarships to meritorious children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

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