Kapila Muni is a young golden coloured bull calf who has been coming to our ashram for around 7 months now. When very young Kapila Muni’s mother died from a snake bite and he was abandoned on the street all alone. Somehow he found our ashram and has been sleeping here every day since. From the first day he came we have made sure to feed him extra so that he could become healthy and strong.

Over the months he has made a lot of cow friends, and human friends as well, and no longer looks sad or morose from having lost his mother.

Today we introduced him for the first time to the bulls who live permanently in our goshala. Everyone liked him and he also liked all of them. Unfortunately at present we don’t have enough land to keep him inside the goshala permanently with them, so we have to let him back out after. (We have a separate area in our ashram for the street cows to eat and sleep where they are free to come and go as they please.)

May Lord Krishna bless and protect this child.

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